In near future, this website will move to the new URL:
« Announcement »
Availability of the
Wiki-Site for the Draft of April 1924
and the
Version II. of the “Text with Page Images”
About the Wiki-Site:
The Reconstructed Draft April 1924 was transformed to the Mediawiki format. The text of each section was mainly based on the corresponding section of the Draft 1919, Book on Obligations, Division VII. It should be noticed that the corrections made to the texts show the modifications made to the original texts of the Draft 1919, but not the revisions made to Draft April 1924 for the final version of Book III of January 1925. Now, all the links to the Draft 1924 work correctly in the other Wiki-Sites:
Wiki-Site for the Draft of April 1924 »
About the 2nd versiion of the “Text with Page Images”:
In its initial version of the “Text with Page Images from Vol.86 of the Archives (Combis)”, the texts of the sectios on the left side remained attached with the midifications to the texts of the Draft 1919. On the right side, however, the Thai translation of the Draft April 1924 is attatched with the handwritten alterations for the final version of the Book III of January 1925. These discrepancies tendes to misunderstandings. For this reason, the modifications to the texts on the left side were completely removed in the 2nd version so that the correspodency between the English text and the Thai translation appears much clearer. In the third version in future, it could be very interesting and helpful adjuncts if the English text on the left side would be attached with the alterations for the final version:
The 2nd Version of the “Text with Page Images from Vol.86” »
21st January 2025
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Availability of the
Wiki-Site for the Book III of January 1925
to Its Centennial Anniversary
Just 100 years ago, the first version of the third book of the Civil and Commercial Code for the Kingdom of Siam was promulgated. For a long time, it was believed that it would be Book III of the so-called “Old text” together with Book I and II of November 1923.
The documents in the “Archives of the History of Thai Codification”, however, show several evidences for the thesis that Book III of January 1925 had been already coordinated with Book I and II of November 1925. Please, refer to the “Another Question” in the “Introductory Notes” to the "Reconstructed Draft of April 1924". If it is true, then the promulgation of Book III of January 1925 was the starting event of the the so-called “New text”:
Wiki-Site for the Book III of January 1925 »
28th December 2024
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Introduction of the
Wiki-Portal for the Centennial Project
Soon, we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the "Book III of the Civil and Commercial Code", which was promulgated on 1st January 1925 (วันที่ ๑ มกราคม พ.ศ. ๒๔๖๗). It was established prior to the "Book I" and "Book II" of 11th November 1925 (วันที่ ๑๑ พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. ๒๔๖๘). However, it already followed the basic policies which the main Siamese drafter at the time, พระยามานวราชเสวิ, had determined for the revision of the "Civil and Commercial Code of Novermber 1923". This fact is confirmed by the analysis of the drafting process from the "Draft of 1919" over the "Draft of April 1924" to the promulgation of the "Book III of 1925" (» Please, refer to the "Introductory Notes" in the "Reconstructed Draft of April 1924"). According to this fact, the Book III of January 1925 was the first Book of the "New Text", which was a nickname พระยามานวราชเสวิ used to call the revised Civil and Commercial Code.
On this opportunity, I would like to introduce a "Wiki-Portal" for our Centennial Project. It is a set of databases. They are transformation of the extended reference tables which I developed based on the so-called "Index" of พระยามานวราชเสวิ (» Please, refer to the "Reception of the Japanese Civil Code and “Boissonade's Heritage"). This wiki site will show the complehensive cross references between the "New Text" and its sources; namely the Draft of 1919, the Codes of 1923, the German Civil Code of 1896, Japanese Civil Code of 1896/98, the French Civil Code of 1804, the Swiss Codes of 1907/11, and others. The purpose of this wiki site is, above all, to offer opportunities to analyze and discuss the backgrounds of the current Codes. Perhaps, such dicsussion could lead to considerations on a possible reform of the current Codes, especially the law on obligations.
Our wiki site still stays in an initial phase. Several components are available only in limited parts or not available at all. It will be gradually improved in near future.
Even in the available parts, the current wiki site contains only the provisions and cross references. No comments or analysis have been added to the pages yet. In the coming step, I am going to enter my considerations which I already written in Japanese (» Please, refer to the "Reasoning for the selection of a model law") or in English (» Please, refer to the "Reconstruction of Thai Arrangement"). I appologize for such an incomplete state.
Anyways, please, once visit the forllowing site and investigate the copmlexed coross references between the Drafts, the current Codes, and several model codes:
Special Site for the Wiki-Portal for the Cenntenial Project »
6th November 2024
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Publication of the
Reconstructed Draft of April 1924
It is a pleasing occasion to announce the availability of the "Reconstruction of the Draft April 1924" just in time for the Centennial Anniversary of the Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand.
One hundred years ago, in April 1924, the French legal advisers to the Siamese Government at the time published their final Draft for the Civil and Commercial Code, Book III on "Specific Contracts". During the period of May – November 1924, this Draft experienced fundamental reworks and rearrangements, and resulted in a final candidate in a new shape, which was eventually promulgated on 1st January 1925 as "ประมวลกฏหมายแพ่งและพาณิชย์ บรรพ ๓ พ.ศ. ๒๔๖๗".
The existence of the Draft April 1924 was, however, unknown for a long time. After the publication of the "Archives of the History of Thai Codification", several interesting documents were identified among them. In certain documents, Mr. Guyon spoke of this Draft. According to his words, the Draft April 1924 was a middle stage between the Draft 1919 and Book III of 1925. Its close research would be quite essential to determine the exact relation between the Draft 1919 and Book III of 1925. There are also documents which contain records of the revision of this Draft. Unfortunately, however, the Draft itself is not discovered in the Archives.
For this reason, it is necessary to reconstruct the Draft April 1924 from the related documents in the Archives in comparison to the Draft 1919, which is not discovered in the Archives either. After consideration and preparation works of several years, the first version of the reconstruction is finally available for a public review.
Hopefully, there will be positive and constructive resonance from interested readers and researchers.
29th April 2024
For details, please read the "Introductory Notes"
in the "Reconstruction" and other working papers.
Special Page for the Draft April 1924 »
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